Featured Case
Personal Injury | Auto Collision
We served as co-counsel and represented a middle aged man who was badly injured in an automobile collision. His injuries resulted in a surgical fixation of right foot ankle, and patella fractures. Our client then had a post-surgical infection that resulted in thrombophlebitis and bilateral septic pulmonary emboli. Notably, our client had a previous attorney who recovered $25,000, believing that was the extent of the available insurance. We asked to take a second look at the file, and were able to uncover over $1 million more in applicable insurance.
Jury Verdict | Auto Collision
We served as co-counsel for this trial, which took place in Gwinnett County. Our client was a young college student who suffered bilateral knee injuries from a car collision when she was T-boned by a driver who ran the red light. Despite being at fault, he blamed our client for the collision initially. Our client eventually had a bilateral knee arthoscopy performed, along with a partial lateral meniscectomy. We received a $300,000 verdict despite the fact the defense denied causation at trial, and asked the jury to return a verdict of somewhere between $0-$140,000.
Policy Limits Settlement |Auto Collision (disputed liability)
Our client was pushed off the highway into a median by a hit and run driver, who merged into her lane. Because the other driver fled the scene, the police officer actually issued a citation to our client for failure to maintain lane because she could not establish it was not a single car accident. Through an open records request, we were able to find a witness to the collision who confirmed it was not our client's fault and she had been run off the road. After securing the dashcam video of the incident from the witness, we were able to secure the $100,000 policy limits from our client's uninsured motorist policy. Our client's injury was a partial thickness scald burn to her right arm from a hot drink that spilled on her when her vehicle overturned.
Settlement | Auto Collision & Bad Faith Claim
Our client suffered a significant injury in an auto collision that resulted in him undergoing surgery for an ankle fracture. There was unfortunately only $55,000 in insurance coverage. However, because the insurance company did not meet our initial demand under our client’s uninsured motorist policy, we were able to secure an additional $20,000 above the insurance limits under a bad faith claim.
Confidential Amount
Settlement | Pedestrian | Auto Collision
We represented a lady from South Atlanta whose foot was run over and she was subsequently dragged several feet by a ride share driver after she exited the vehicle at his request. Our client suffered a spinal injury from the incident, which caused an exacerbation of a congenital condition that ultimately resulted in her having a Lumbar laminotomy and disk excision. The insurance company elected to settle the case through mediation rather than proceed to trial.
Settlement | Auto Collision
Our client was injured by a drunk driver and suffered a spinal injury. Her primary treatment consisted of steroid injections to her spine. Despite her bills being only around $60,000, we were able to secure a settlement of $270,000.
Settlement | Auto Collision
Our client injured her spine in an automobile collision. She eventually underwent an ablation procedure to help alleviate the pain. Despite being in a tough venue for Plaintiff’s, we were able to secure the policy limits for the at fault party, and an additional recovery against our client’s uninsured motorist policy.
Policy Limits Settlement | Auto Collision
Our client suffered a spinal injury from the collision which did not result in surgery or injections. The insurance company for the at fault driver initially denied our claim based on their insured’s statement that our client was the one at fault for the collision. We conducted an investigation through information obtained under the Georgia Open Records Act. We were able to undercover proof of their insured’s contradictory statements to the 911 operator vs. what he told the police officer. After providing that proof to the insurance company, they agreed to tender their policy limits.
Settlement | Tractor Trailer Collision
Our client was injured by a tractor trailer driving merging into her lane and causing her vehicle to exit the highway and strike the guardrails. Our client suffered a spine injury that required several rounds of injections.
Settlement | Auto Collision
Our client was a senior citizen whose car was totaled in a collision that required her to go by ambulance to the emergency room. Despite the significant property damage, our client had no diagnostic injuries of note. Despite no particular injuries to highlight, we were able to secure a $75,000 settlement.
Jury Verdict | Auto Collision
Despite our client having virtually no treatment outside of chiropractic care, having multiple large gaps in treatments, and having bills of just under $19,000, we were able to secure a verdict of just over $40,000 in Henry County.